Fitger’s Brewhouse Barrel Room

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  3. Fitger’s Brewhouse Barrel Room
Events at this venue

Jane Gang Live at the Barrel Room

Fitger's Brewhouse Barrel Room 600 E Superior St., Duluth, MN, United States

Join us in the Barrel Room, right across the hall from Fitger’s Brewhouse, for live music by the Jane Gang!

Nod to Bob in the Barrel Room

Fitger's Brewhouse Barrel Room 600 E Superior St., Duluth, MN, United States

Paul Metsa, who the Huffington Post called " The other great folksinger from Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range '' will be joined by his longtime harmonica player Sonny Earl in a great evening playing Dylan songs, Metsa originals, and blues and country songs by artists that influenced Bob Dylan. Cover: $5.00 (Photo Credit: Dave Wolfe)
