From budget-friendly family activities to hidden waterfalls to recommendations from locals, check out our blog for trip ideas and to learn more about what makes Duluth so special.
Whether you’re looking for a relaxing float or an adrenaline-filled adventure, Duluth is the place for a great day on a Great Lake. With various beaches, plenty of public access points, boat rentals, guided tours and cruises, there is something for all water-lovers to enjoy.
The Gales of November have wreaked havoc on sailors and ships over the years, causing Lake Superior to be the final resting place to 350 ships, with around 50 of these located in Minnesota waters.
Duluth can give you a taste of lake life within the city limits, and leave you feeling rested and refreshed, whether you’re here for a day, weekend or even longer. Here are just a few lake-centered, budget-friendly ideas for getting the most out of your trip to Duluth and time around Lake Superior.
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